Undergraduate Programs

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science + Economics

The McKelvey School of Engineering and the College of Arts & Sciences has developed the Computer Science + Economics major to allow students interested in both disciplines to combine them efficiently without having to pursue them as two separate majors.

Electronically mediated platforms have by now evolved to permeate most human activities. Social media, online market exchange, banking, education, and publishing are all activities that are intermediated by computational means. Technically, the design and implementation of such platforms is an exercise in engineering. However, the nature of the social interactions is in the realm of economics.

Students will be required to take the following eleven courses, including Calculus I and Calculus II.

Core Course Requirements*
Math 1510 Calculus I; we expect many majors to use AP credits 3
Math 1520 Calculus II; we expect many majors to use AP credits 3

Math 3200

Or ESE 3260 

Or Math 3211

Elementary to Intermediate Statistics and Data Analysis

Probability and Statistics for Engineering

Statistics for Data Science I

Math 2130 Calculus III; majors can take Econ 493 instead 3
CSE 1301 Introduction to Computer Science 3

CSE 2400 

Or Math 3010 

Logic and Discrete Mathematics 

Foundations for Higher Mathematics

CSE 2407 Data Structures and Algorithms 3
CSE 3407 Analysis of Algorithms 3
Econ 1011 Introduction to Microeconomics 3
Econ 1021 Introduction to Macroeconomics 3
Econ 4011 Intermediate Microeconomics 3
Econ 3150 or Econ 4150 Introduction to Econometrics 3

*Each of these core courses must be passed with a grade of C- or better.

In addition, majors have to complete six elective courses, three from economics and another three from computer science. Students who have AP credits to satisfy requirements for Econ 1011 and/or Econ 1021 can instead take approved electives in either department, and add at most one approved course outside both departments. A current list of elective courses follows.

Economics Electives
Econ 4021 Intermediate Macroeconomics 3
Econ 4310 Behavioral and Experimental Economics 3
Econ 4315 Market Design 3
Econ 4410 Macroeconomics of Inequality 3
Econ 4111 Optimization and Economic Theory 3
Econ 4151 Applied Econometrics 3
Econ 4220 Open Economy Macroeconomics 3
Econ 4335 Industrial Organization 3
Econ 4710 Game Theory 3
Econ 4510 Development Economics 3
Econ 4770 Topics in Financial Economics: Investments 3
Econ 4345 Labor Economics 3
Econ 4390 Economics of Education 3
Econ 4420 Computational Macroeconomics 3


Similarly, a current list in Computer Science follows:

Computer Science Electives
CSE 2107 Introduction to Data Science 3
CSE 3104  Data Manipulation and Management  3
CSE 3101 Introduction to Intelligent Agents Using Science Fiction 3
CSE 3300 Rapid Prototype Development and Creative Programming 3
CSE 3302 Object‐Oriented Software Development Laboratory 3
CSE 3401 Parallel and Sequential Algorithms 3
CSE 4001 Independent Study---MUST be approved by CSE CS+Econ Director 3
CSE 4061 Text Mining 3
CSE 4101 AI and Society 3
CSE 4102 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 3
CSE 4106 Analysis of Network Data 3
CSE 4107
or ESE 4170
Introduction to Machine Learning
Introduction to Machine Learning and Pattern Classification
CSE 4205 Programming Systems and Languages 3
CSE 4207 Cloud Computing 3
CSE 4305  Database Management Systems 3
CSE 4507 Introduction to Visualization 3
CSE 5104 Data Mining 3
CSE 5107 Machine Learning 3
CSE 5108 Human-in-the-Loop Computation 3
CSE 5403 Algorithms for Nonlinear Optimization 3
CSE 5507 Advanced Visualization 3
Additional Departmental Requirements*
CWP 100 College Writing I 3 units
Engr 3100 Technical Writing 3 units
Natural Sciences electives 8 units
Humanities and Social Sciences electives 18 units
Total Units 32