Undergraduate Programs

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

Computer engineering encompasses studies of hardware, software, and systems issues that arise in the design, development, and application of computer systems.

Computer engineers are well suited to address the particular challenges that exist as computing systems interact with the real, physical world. This includes sensing, actuation, timing, security, and computing systems with widely varying form factors, ranging from servers to mobile devices to the "internet of things." The degree requires 120 units including core courses, technical electives, a capstone course, and common studies.

The Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering degree is jointly administered by the Department of Computer Science & Engineering and the Department of Electrical & Systems Engineering.

Students working toward a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering degree must meet all requirements for an engineering degree from the McKelvey School of Engineering. Required courses and technical electives cannot be taken on a pass/fail basis.


Core Requirements:

The following courses are required of all computer engineering students:

CSE 1301 Introduction to Computer Science 3
CSE 1302 Introduction to Computer Engineering 3
CSE 2407 Data Structures and Algorithms 3
CSE 2600 Introduction to Digital Logic and Computer Design 3
CSE 3601 Introduction to Systems Software 3
CSE 3602 Computer Architecture 3
ESE 1050 Introduction to Electrical and Systems Engineering 4
ESE 2300 Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Circuits 4
ESE 2320 Introduction to Electronic Circuits 3
ESE 3260 Probability and Statistics for Engineering 3
Total Units 32

Each of these core courses must be passed with a grade of C- or better.


Technical Elective Requirements:

At least 21 units of technical electives, drawn from the following:

 1. At least 2 courses from the following list (the "hardware" list)

Code  Title Units
ESE 3300 Electromagnetic Theory 3
ESE 3310 Electronics Lab 3
ESE 3301 Electromagnetic Lab 3
ESE 3510 Signals and Systems 3
ESE 4330 Radio Frequency and Microwave Technology for Wireless Systems 3
ESE 4360 Semiconductor Devices 3
ESE 4301 Quantum Mechanics for Engineers 3
ESE 4310 Introduction to Quantum Electronics 3
ESE 4410 Control Systems 3
ESE 4440 Sensors and Actuators 3
ESE 4460 Robotics: Dynamics and Control 3
CSE/ESE 4650 Digital Systems Laboratory 3
ESE 4710 Communications Theory and Systems 3
ESE 4820 Digital Signal Processing 3


2. At least 2 courses from the following list (the "software" list)

Code Title Units
CSE 2301 Introduction to Parallel and Concurrent Programming  3
CSE 3302 Object-Oriented Software Development Laboratory 3
CSE 3605 Elements of Computing Systems 3
CSE 4202 Operating Systems Organization 3
CSE 4205 Programming Systems and Languages 3
CSE 4301 Translation of Computer Languages 3
CSE 4303 Introduction to Computer Security 3
CSE 4304 Reverse Engineering and Malware Analysis 3
CSE 4607 Embedded Computing Systems 3
CSE 4608 Introduction to Quantum Computing 3
CSE 4703 Introduction to Computer Networks 3


3. The remaining 3 courses can be any CSE course with an S, M, T, or A suffix; or CSE 3407: or any ESE course at the 300-level or higher; or ESE 2050, ESE 2180, or ESE 2190. Additional courses (beyond the 2 required) in the above lists count toward this requirement.


The above can include courses at the graduate level; however, they must still meet one of the two criteria above. Up to 6 units of independent study (CSE 4001, CSE 4970-CSE 4975, ESE 4999, ESE 4991) can count toward technical electives. There is no limit as to how many independent study courses can count toward the general 120 units.


Capstone Requirement:

The capstone requirement can be met by taking either CSE 4602 or ESE 4970.


Common Studies Requirements:

Math 1510 Calculus I 3
Math 1520 Calculus II 3
Math 2500 Differential Equations 3
Math 2130 Calculus III 3
Physics 1740 Physics I 3
Physics I — First-Years Only
Physics I — Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors Only
Physics 1741 Physics I Laboratory 1
Physics 1742 Physics II 3
Physics 1743 Physics II Laboratory 1
Natural Sciences elective 3
College Writing 3
Engr 3100 Technical Writing 3
Humanities and Social Sciences electives 18
Total Units 47

Upon completing a course in the calculus sequence (Math 1510-Math 1520-Math 2130) with a grade of C+ or better, the student may apply to receive credit for the preceding courses in the calculus sequence by following the mathematics and statistics department's back credit policy.

The natural sciences requirement is for 3 units designated NSM (Natural Sciences and Mathematics) from any of the following departments: Anthropology; Biology; Chemistry; Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences; Environmental Studies or Physics. These courses must be completed with a grade of C- or better.

The College Writing Program, humanities and social sciences requirements are those required of all students in the McKelvey School of Engineering.