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Undergraduate Programs
Bachelor of Science in Business + Computer Science
Students in this program will be equipped with the fundamental knowledge and perspectives of computer science and business and will have unique opportunities to converge these two disciplines.
The Bachelor of Science in Business and Computer Science is an integrated joint degree program offered through the Olin Business School and the McKelvey School of Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis.
Learn more at the Bachelor of Science in Business + Computer Science website
General Degree Requirements
- Complete at least 120 applicable units
- Earn at least a C (2.0) cumulative grade point average in all applicable courses taken at WU
- Earn at least a C (2.0) grade point average in each separate school of study
- Complete a minimum of 60 units at Washington University (at least 30 units must be “B” courses and at least 30 units must be from “E” courses)
- Complete the last 30 units at Washington University
Foundation Course Requirements (31 units)
Math 1510 | Calculus I (AP credit may satisfy this requirement) | 3 |
Math 1520 | Calculus II (AP credit may satisfy this requirement) | 3 |
Math 2130 | Calculus III | 3 |
Math 3300 | Matrix Algebra (Prerequisite: Math 1520) | 3 |
DAT 1200 | Managerial Statistics I | 3 |
or ESE 3260 | Probability and Statistics for Engineering | |
or SDS 3020 | Elementary to Intermediate Statistics and Data Analysis | |
DAT 1201 | Managerial Statistics II | 3 |
MGT 2010 | Management Communication | 4 |
Engr 3100 | Technical Writing | 3 |
One College Writing Program course (themed writing course) | 3 | |
One Natural Sciences course designated NSM (Natural Sciences and Mathematics) | 3 |
Upon completing a course in the calculus sequence (Math 1510-Math 1520-Math 2130) with a grade of C+ or better, the student may apply to receive credit for the preceding courses in the calculus sequence by following the mathematics and statistics department's back credit policy.
The Natural Sciences requirement is for 3 units designated NSM (Natural Sciences and Mathematics) from any of the following departments: Anthropology; Biology; Chemistry, Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences; Environmental Studies or Physics. These courses must be completed with a grade of C- or better.
The school's English proficiency requirement is satisfied only by a grade of C- or better in one of the themed college writing courses developed by the College Writing Program.
Breadth/Free Elective Course Requirements (24 units)
Humanities and Social Sciences (15 units): Any course with A&S attributes of Humanities (HUM), Language and Cultural Diversity (LCD), or Social and Behavioral Sciences (SSC). These courses must be taken with the credit grade option only (not pass/fail). At least one course must be an ethics course from the list of approved courses.
- Free Electives (9 units): Any course from any day-school division, including prematriculation credit (e.g., AP credit). The free elective courses may be taken with the pass/fail grade option.
Capstone/Integrated Learning Experience Requirements (6 units)
- 6 units of course work jointly approved by the faculty curriculum oversight committees of both Business and Engineering
- Junior Year Capstone: MGT 4101 CEL Entrepreneurial Consulting Team
- Senior Year Capstone: CSE 4307 Software Engineering Workshop, CSE 4309 Mobile Application Development II, or CSE 4501 Video Game Programming II
Major Course Requirements (60 units)
- Business Course Requirements (30 units) as listed in the section below
- Computer Science Course Requirements (30 units) as listed in the section below
Business Analytics Cluster
Business Core Course Requirements (18 units):
Course ListCode | Title | Units |
ACCT 2610 | Principles of Financial Accounting (Prerequisites: Second-semester first-year standing) | 3 |
DAT 2200 | Analytics and Modelling for Business Decisions (Prerequisites: DAT 1200 and completion or concurrent enrollment in DAT 1201) | 3 |
FIN 3150 | Capital Markets and Financial Management (Prerequisites: Math 132, ACCT 2610, MEC 290 or ECON 1011, and completion or concurrent enrollment in DAT 121) | 3 |
MEC 2900 | Microeconomics (Prerequisites: Math 1510 or concurrent enrollment in Math 1520 or Math 2130) | 3 |
MKT 3150 | Principles of Marketing (Prerequisites: Sophomore standing and MEC 2900 or ECON 1011 or MGT 1000) | 3 |
SCOT 3150 | Principles of Marketing (Prerequisites: Sophomore standing and MEC 2900 or ECON 1011 or MGT 1000) | 3 |
Electives (choose 12 units):
Course ListCode | Title | Units |
DAT 3015 | Data Analytics in Python (Prerequisite: Sophomore standing) | 3 |
FIN 4480 | Advanced Financial Management (Prerequisites: FIN 3150 and DAT 1200) | 3 |
FIN 4510 | Options, Futures and Derivative Securities (Prerequisite: FIN 3150) | 3 |
MEC 4710 | Empirical Techniques for Industry Analysis (Prerequisites: MEC 290, DAT 1200, and DAT 1201) | 3 |
MKT 3780 | Marketing Research (Prerequisites: MKT 3150, DAT 1200, and DAT 1201 or concurrent enrollment in DAT 1201) | 3 |
MKT 4001 | Digital Marketing and Analytics (Prerequisites: MKT 3150 and either DAT 1200, Math 2200, Math 3200, or ESE 3260) | 3 |
SCOT 4580 | Operations Analytics (Prerequisite: SCOT 3150) | 3 |
Strategy & Leadership Cluster
Business Core Course Requirements (15 units):
Course ListCode | Title | Units |
ACCT 2610 | Principles of Financial Accounting (Prerequisite: Second-semester first-year standing) | 3 |
FIN 3150 | Capital Markets and Financial Management (Prerequisites: Math 1520, ACCT 2610, MEC 290, and completion or concurrent enrollment in DAT 1201) | 3 |
MEC 2900 | Microeconomics (Prerequisites: Math 1510 or concurrent enrollment in Math 1520 or Math 2130) | 3 |
MGT 1000 | Individual in a Managerial Environment (MGT 1000 is only open to incoming freshmen and students must be concurrently enrolled in MGT 150A) | 3 |
OB 3150 | Organization Behavior Within the Firm (Prerequisite: MGT 1000 or sophomore standing) | 3 |
Electives (choose 15 units):
Course ListCode | Title | Units |
MGT 3800 | Business Strategy | 3 |
MGT 4020 | Ethical Issues in Managerial Decision Making | 1.5 |
MGT 5210 | Introduction to Entrepreneurship | 3 |
Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship | ||
MGT 4290 | Management and Corporate Responsibility | 1.5 |
MGT 4720 | Defining Moments: Lessons in Leadership & Character From the Top (Prerequisite: Senior standing or junior standing with permission of instructor) | 1.5 |
MGT 4601 | Corporate and Global Strategy | 3 |
MEC 3700 | Game Theory for Business (Prerequisite: MEC 2900) | 3 |
MEC 4700 | Industrial Economics (Prerequisite: MEC 3700) | 3 |
OB 4300 | Thinking Creatively and Leading Creative Teams (Prerequisite: OB 3150) | 1.5 |
OB 4340 | Talent Analytics | 1.5 |
OB 4350 | People Metrics | 1.5 |
OB 4610 | Negotiation | 3 |
OB 4620 | Leadership in Organizations (Prerequisite: Sophomore standing) | 3 |
OB 4685 | Mindfulness and Performance in the Workplace | 1.5 |
Computer Science Course Requirements
Computer Science Core Course Requirements (9 units, C- grade required):
Course ListCode | Title | Units |
CSE 1301 | Introduction to Computer Science | 3 |
CSE 2407 | Data Structures and Algorithms (Prerequisites: CSE 1301 and fluency with summations, derivatives, and proofs by induction) | 3 |
CSE 3302 | Object-Oriented Software Development Laboratory (Prerequisite: CSE 2407) | 3 |
Electives (choose 21 units):
Course ListCode | Title | Units |
Choose seven courses from any CSE courses with an S, M, T, or A suffix. CSE 1302, CSE 2400, and CSE 3407 will count as electives in this category. | ||
Please note that ESE 4170 will be accepted as CSE elective. |
Students earning this degree will not be eligible to earn a second undergraduate degree or second major in computer science, computer science + math, computer science + econ, data science, or a minor in computer science.
Students earning this degree will not be eligible to earn a second undergraduate degree or second major in business. Students are eligible to earn a business minor.
Students earning this degree will not be eligible to earn a second major in financial engineering.