Graduate Programs

Graduate Certificate in Data Mining & Machine Learning

The Certificate in Data Mining and Machine Learning can be awarded in conjunction with any engineering master's degree. In order to qualify for this certificate, students enrolled in any master's in engineering program will need to meet the requirements listed below in addition to the standards requirements for their master's degree. (Please note course listings in parentheses are the pre-Fall 2025 versions of the course numbers)

Required Courses
CSE 4107 (CSE 417T) 
or ESE4170 (ESE 417)
Introduction to Machine Learning
Introduction to Machine Learning and Pattern Classification
3 units
CSE 5107 (CSE 517A)  Machine Learning 3 units
CSE 5401 (CSE 541T) Advanced Algorithms 3 units
Foundations Courses (choose two)
CSE 4102 (CSE 412A) Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 3 units
CSE 5103 (CSE 513T) Theory of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 3 units
CSE 5104 (CSE 514A) Data Mining 3 units
CSE 5105 (CSE 515T) Bayesian Methods in Machine Learning 3 units
CSE 5109 (CSE 519T) Advanced Machine Learning 3 units
CSE 5403 (CSE 543T) Algorithms for Nonlinear Optimization 3 units
ESE 4150 (ESE 415) Optimization 3 units

SDS 4010 (Math 493)

or ESE 5200 (ESE 520)


Probability and Stochastic Processes

3 units
SDS 4020 (Math 494) Mathematical Statistics 3 units
CSE 5610 (CSE561A) Large Language Models 3 units

Domain Courses (choose one)
CSE 4207 (CSE 427S) Cloud Computing with Big Data Applications 3 units
CSE 5108 (CSE 518A) Human-in-the-Loop Computation 3 units
CSE 5270 (CSE527A) Natural Language Processing 3 units
ESE 5130 (CSE 534A/ESE 513) Large-Scale Optimization for Data Science 3 units
CSE 5507 (CSE 557A) Advanced Visualization 3 units
CSE 5509 (CSE 559A) Computer Vision 3 units
CSE 5804 (CSE 584A) Algorithms for Biosequence Comparison 3 units
CSE 5807 (CSE 587A) Algorithms for Computational Biology 3 units
CSE 5310 (CSE531A) AI for Health 3 units
CSE 5370 (CSE 537T) Trustworthy Autonomy 3 units
CSE 5505 (CSE555T) Adversarial AI 3 units

Please Note

  • All courses must be taken for a grade.

  • Courses must be graded at a D- or better in order to count toward the certificate.

  • Students with previous courses in Machine Learning may place out of CSE 4107. These students will be required to complete an additional foundations course fora. totatl of three foundations coruses.