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Graduate Programs
MS in Computer Engineering
The MS in Computer Engineering is best suited for students who are looking to focus more on computer engineering (hardware) aspects. It can be either a pure course option program, or it can incorporate a project or a thesis.

All students in the MS in Computer Engineering program must have previously completed (as documented by their undergraduate transcript), successfully test to place out of, or complete at the start of their program, the following courses: CSE 1301 Introduction to Computer Science and CSE 2600 Introduction to Digital Logic and Computer Design (or equivalent courses offered at other institutions).
The Master of Science in Computer Engineering degree is jointly administered by the Department of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) and the Department of Electrical & Systems Engineering (ESE).
(Please note course listings in parentheses are the pre-Fall 2025 versions of the course numbers)
General Degree Requirements
- 18 of the 30 units must be from the designated graduate-level Computer Engineering courses.
- Up to 12 units may be taken from outside the two departments. In order for out-of-department courses to count toward a student’s degree, they must request the course(s) be reviewed and approved by the department, by contacting the Graduate Coordinator. The department will review the courses to ensure that they offer suitably technical graduate-level content. Once approved by the department, the out-of-department courses can only count toward the Electives section of the degree. To count more than 6 units from outside the CSE or ESE department, an appropriate justification for the additional increment must be provided by the advisor and student. Program approval will be evaluated with increasing stringency for each additional increment.
- Up to 12 units of 4000-level CSE/ESE courses can count for graduate credit.
- None of the 30 units may be taken as independent study i.e., CSE4000 (CSE 400), CSE5999 (CSE 500), ESE4999 (ESE 400) or ESE 5999 (ESE 500).
- Courses with an "N" designation do not count toward the master's degree.
- All courses must be taken for a grade of C- or better.
- As per Engineering School guidelines, students must maintain a GPA of at least 2.70.
Graduate-Level Computer Engineering Courses
CSE 5107 (CSE 517A) | Machine Learning | 3 units |
CSE 5200 (CSE 520S) | Advanced Real-Time Embedded Systems | 3 units |
ESE 5200 (ESE 520) | Probability and Stochastic Processes | 3 units |
CSE 5201 (CSE 521S) | Wireless Embedded Sensor Networks | 3 units |
CSE 5202 (CSE 522S) | Advanced Operating Systems | 3 units |
CSE 5270 (CSE 527A) | Natural Language Processing | 3 units |
CSE 5203 (CSE 523S) | Systems Security | 3 units |
CSE 5302 (CSE 532S) | Advanced Multiparadigm Software Development | 3 units |
CSE 5308 (CSE 538T) | Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Interconnected Computer Systems | 3 units |
CSE 5309 (CSE 539S) | Concepts in Multicore Computing | 3 units |
ESE 5430 (ESE 543) | Control Systems Design by State Space Methods | 3 units |
ESE 5470 (ESE 547) | Robust and Adaptive Control | 3 units |
CSE 5409 (CSE 549T) | Theory of Parallel Systems | 3 units |
CSE 5509 (CSE 559A) | Computer Vision | 3 units |
CSE 5600 (CSE 560M) | Computer Systems Architecture I | 3 units |
CSE 5601 (CSE 561M) | Computer Systems Architecture II | 3 units |
CSE 5603 (CSE 563M) | Digital Integrated Circuit Design and Architecture | 3 units |
CSE 5605 (CSE 565M) | Acceleration of Algorithms in Reconfigurable Logic | 3 units |
CSE 5606 (CSE 566S) | High Performance Computer Systems | 3 units |
ESE 5660 (ESE 566A) | Modern System-on-Chip Design | 3 units |
CSE 5607 (CSE 567M) | Computer Systems Analysis | 3 units |
CSE 5608 (CSE 568M) | Imaging Sensors | 3 units |
CSE 5700 (CSE 570S) | Recent Advances in Networking | 3 units |
CSE 5701 (CSE 571S) | Network Security | 3 units |
CSE 5704 (CSE 574S) | Wireless and Mobile Networking | 3 units |
CSE 7998 (CSE598/599) | Master's Capstone | 3-6 units |
ESE 7998 (ESE599) | Master's Research | 6 units |
CSE 5105 (CSE 515T) | Bayesian Methods in Machine Learning | 3 units |
CSE 5109 (CSE 519T) | Advanced Machine Learning | 3 units |
ESE 5130 (CSE 534A/ESE 513) | Large-Scale Optimization for Data Science | 3 units |
CSE 5619 (CSE 569S) | Advanced IoT, Real-Time, and Embedded Systems Security | 3 units |
ESE 5230 (ESE 523) | Information Theory | 3 units |
ESE 5240 (ESE 524) | Detection and Estimation Theory | 3 units |
ESE 5510 (ESE 551) | Linear Dynamic Systems I | 3 units |
ESE 5530 (ESE 553) | Nonlinear Dynamic Systems | 3 units |
ESE 5620 (ESE 562) | Analog Integrated Circuits | 3 units |
ESE5720 (ESE 572) | Signaling and Control in Communication Networks | 3 units |
Course Option
This option requires 30 units of graduate credit. Students must also follow the general degree requirements listed above.
Thesis/ Project Option
Beginning in fall 2025, students seeking to take the project or thesis option in our degree programs will register for CSE 7998 Master’s Capstone. CSE 7998 does not count toward the student's 30 required units of coursework to complete the degree until the student has successfully defended the project or thesis. Students must also follow the general degree requirements listed above.
- Upon successful defense of a 3-unit master's project, 3 units of CSE 7998 will count toward the student's degree as a 5000-level CSE departmental course.
- Upon successful defense of a 6-unit master's project, 6 units of CSE 7998 will count toward the student's degree. The remaining units will satisfy a 5000-level CSE departmental course.
- Upon successful defense of a master's thesis, 6 units of CSE 7998 will count toward the student’s coursework at the 5000-level.
A student who successfully defends one of the three options listed above will have a notation added to their transcript to clearly indicate exactly which option (3-unit master's project, 6-unit master's project, master's thesis) was completed. Each semester, CSE 7998 will be graded with a letter grade. A grade of a C- or above is required in the first semester of a 6-unit project or thesis to continue the work in the final semester. Students should refer to the department's Master's Program Handbook and the Resources for Current Master's Students webpage for additional details and guidance regarding projects and theses.
- The Progress Report (two-semester theses and projects only)
Near the end of the first semester of a two-semester thesis or project, the student will submit a written progress report to the committee. The progress report will be used by the committee to evaluate student progress and to provide an opportunity to give feedback to the student. - Preparing and Submitting the Progress Report
The progress report should include the following:
- A copy of the original scope and duration of the work to be performed (this can be obtained from the original proposal form). Students can contact the Graduate Coordinator to receive a copy of their original proposal form.
- A discussion of any major modifications/changes to the scope of the work to be performed
- An overview of the work that has been completed during the first semester of the thesis or project
- A discussion of the work yet to be completed and a timeline for completion
- The progress report should be submitted via email to all members of the committee at least one week prior to the last official day of classes for the given semester.
- Outcomes of the Progress Report
- Once submitted, the committee will confer privately to discuss the student's progress made during the first semester of the thesis or project. The committee will decide on one of three possible outcomes:
- Thesis or project should continue without concern, indicating that the student is making consistent progress and is on track to successfully complete the thesis or project on time.
- Thesis or project should continue with concern, indicating that the student is making some progress but is falling behind. Without change, the student is not
likely to successfully complete the thesis or project. - Thesis or project should not continue, indicating that the student is not making
sufficient progress and the thesis or project should be terminated.
- The outcome determined by the committee will be communicated to the student by the department's Graduate Coordinator prior to the official end of the semester.
If the outcome is that the thesis or project should not continue, the student will not
be enrolled in the second semester's units.
- Once submitted, the committee will confer privately to discuss the student's progress made during the first semester of the thesis or project. The committee will decide on one of three possible outcomes:
- Process for Termination of a Project or Thesis
From Fall 2024 onward, master's project/thesis students will not be allowed to have an N grade submitted for a terminated project. Students should contact the Graduate Coordinator as soon as possible regarding any questions about terminating a project/thesis. With that in mind, please review the following scenarios:- A one-semester project:
- If the project is terminated before the add/drop deadline, it will have no effect
on the student's record. - If the project is terminated after the add/drop deadline but before the withdrawal deadline, there will be a W on the student's transcript.
- If the project is terminated after the withdrawal deadline, this could result in a failing letter grade on the student's transcript.
- If the project is terminated before the add/drop deadline, it will have no effect
- A two-semester project or thesis, during the first semester of the project or thesis:
- The project or thesis would follow the same timeline and have the same results
as the one-semester project scenarios above.
- The project or thesis would follow the same timeline and have the same results
- A two-semester project or thesis, where the first semester has already been
completed:- If the second semester of the project or thesis is terminated before the add/drop deadline, the second-semester credits of CSE 7998 would be dropped.
- If the second semester is terminated after the add/drop deadline but before the withdrawal deadline, the second-semester credits of CSE 7998 would be noted as a W on the student's transcript.
- If the second semester is terminated after the withdrawal deadline, the termination could result in a failing letter grade on the student's transcript.
- For each of the three scenarios listed above, the student, pending advisor approval, would have the option to defend their first semester's work as a 3-credit project. (Any CSE 7998 units completed without a successful defense will not count toward the student's degree requirements.)
- A one-semester project: