Current Graduate Students

Resources for Current Master's Students

Master's Program Handbook

Master's Program Handbook

MS CS Breadth Course Categories: S, M, T, A

MS in CS students must complete three breadth courses: 

  • One Theory (T) course at the CSE 5000 level
  • One Software Systems (S) course at the CSE 5000 level
  • One either Machines (M) or Applications (A) course at the CSE 5000 level.

Please review the official list of S, M, T, A courses eligible to count toward these courses here: Current WashU CSE 5000 level SMTA course mappings.


Out of Department Credit Requests

CSE Master's students may count up to 6 credits of non-Computer Science graduate-level coursework towards their CSE degree under the Electives section.

In order to do so, students must submit a detailed syllabus of the course(s) they wish to count. The department will evaluate the syllabus and determine if the outside course is a suitable candidate for CSE Master's credit. 

Master's Capstone Guidelines

If a student is completing a Master's Capstone (a Master's project or thesis), they must:

  • Fill out and submit the Research Proposal Form:
    •  Students will then need to email the filled out Master's Research Proposal Form to the CSE Graduate Coordinator at least 72 hours before the add/drop deadline. The CSE Graduate Coordinator will then attached the filled out Proposal Form to the School's Docusign form, and then the student's faculty project/thesis advisor and student's the faculty academic advisor will sign, and the student will be enrolled in the proper section of CSE7998. If the Proposal Form is received within the final 72 hours before the add/drop deadline, we can not guarantee you will be enrolled in time, due to processing times for the School's Docusign form.
  • Select a faculty committee to judge the final presentation of their work, and get that committee approved by the department.
    • Committees should be put together per the guidelines in the Master's Program Handbook.
    • Submit the Master's Committee Approval Form to the Graduate Coordinator. The Graduate Coordinator will Docusign the form to the committee members, and once the committee is approved, the student may schedule their presentation/defense. 
  • Submit a Mid-Point Progress Report to their committee (For two semester projects / theses only)
    • The student must email the progress report to their committee members one week before the last day of classes in the first semester, per the guidelines in the Master's Program Handbook.
    • The Graduate Coordinator will Docusign a Mid-Point Progress Report Form to the committee, and the student will receive the completed form with the committee's decision by the last day of classes in that semester.
  • Present/defend the project/thesis:
    • Students will present their work and results to their committee, and the committee will judge whether or not the presentation passed. The Graduate Coordinator will Docusign the School's Project / Thesis Defense Form, and the committee members will sign to indicate if the student passed. 
  • For Master's Project's Reports: Students completing a Master's Project are required to email their project report to the Graduate Coordinator by the deadlines stated below for a given semester.
  • For Master's Thesis Reports: Students completing a Master's Thesis are required to submit their final report to Thesis On Demand by the deadlines stated below for a given semester.
  • Master's Project / Thesis Grading Fall 2024 onward:
    • Each semester of CSE598 or 599 will be graded with a letter grade. A grade of C- or above is required in the first semester of a six-unit project or thesis, in order for the student to continue the work into the second semester.
  • Terminating a Master's Project / Thesis: Please Note, starting for Fall 2024 onward, Master's Project / Thesis students will not be allowed to have an "N" grade submitted for a terminated project. Please contact the Graduate Coordinator as soon as possible regarding any questions for termianting a project / thesis. With that in mind, please review the following scenarios:
    • A one-semester project: 
      • Terminated before the add/drop deadline will have no effect on the student's record.
      • Terminated after the add/drop deadline but before the Withdrawal deadline would leave a "W" on the student's transcript.
      • Terminated after the Withdrawal deadline could result in a failing letter grade on the student's transcript.
    • A two semester project or thesis, during the first semester of the project/thesis, would follow the same timeline as the scenarios above.
    • A two-semester project or thesis, where the first semester has already been completed:
      • If the second semester of the project/thesis is terminated before the add/drop deadline, the second semester credits of CSE598/599 would be dropped. The student would have the option to defend their first semester's work as a 3-credit project. (Any 598 or 599 units completed without a successful defense will not count towards the student's degree requirements.)
      • If the second semester is terminated after the add/drop deadline but before the Withdrawal deadline, the second semester credits of CSE598/599 would leave a "W" on the student's transcript. The student would have the option to defend their first semester's work as a 3-credit project. (Any 598 or 599 units completed without a successful defense will not count towards the student's degree requirements.)
      • If the second semester is terminated after the Withdrawal deadline, the termination could result in a failing letter grade on the student's transcript. The student would have the option to defend their first semester's work as a 3-credit project. (Any 598 or 599 units completed without a successful defense will not count towards the student's degree requirements.)


Please note that projects and theses must be completed by the submission deadline in the semester that the student intends to graduate. If the student defends after the deadline, they will not graduate until the following semester.

The current submission deadlines for Spring 2025:

  • Research Proposal Form filled out and emailed to Graduate Coordinator: 01/20/25 at 9 p.m.
  • Project / Thesis Committee Form Emailed to Graduate Coordinator: 03/09/25 at 11:59 p.m.
  • Mid-Point Progress Report Emailed to Committee: 04/18/25 at 11:59 p.m.
  • MS Project Final Requirements: 05/07/25 at 5 p.m. (have successfully defended and email the Graduate Coordinator your project report)
  • MS Thesis Final Requirements: 05/07/25 at 12 p.m.(have successfully defended and submitted your thesis here.)   

Other Academic Deadlines