Current Graduate Students

Resources for Current Master's Students

Master's Program Handbook

Master's Program Handbook

Out of Department Credit Requests

CSE Master's students may count up to 6 credits of non-Computer Science coursework towards their CSE degree.

In order to do so, students must submit a detailed syllabus of the course(s) they wish to count. The department will evaluate the syllabus and determine if the outside course is a suitable candidate for CSE Master's credit. 

Master's Project and Thesis Guidelines

If a student is completing a Master's Project or a Master's Thesis, they must:

  • Fill out and submit the Research Proposal Form: Students will be automatically waitlisted for CSE 598 (Project) and CSE 599 (Thesis) until they have completed and turned in this form. If the form is not submitted by the add/drop date, the student will be dropped from the course. 
  • Select a faculty committee to judge the final presentation of their work: Committees should be put together per the guidelines in the Master's Program Handbook. The committee will then need to be approved by the department.
  • Get committee approved by department: Submit the Master's Committee Approval Form to the Graduate Coordinator. Once the committee is approved, the student may schedule their presentation/defense.
  • Present/defend the project/thesis: Students will present their work and results to their committee, and the committee will judge whether or not the presentation passed. The committee will then fill out the Master's Final Exam Report Form to indicate if the student passed. 
  • For Master's Thesis Reports: Students completing a Master's Thesis are required to submit their final report to Thesis On Demand.


Please note that projects and theses must be completed by the submission deadline in the semester that the student intends to graduate. If the student defends after the deadline, they will not graduate until the following semester.

The current submission deadlines for Spring 2024

  • MS Project Requirements: 05/08/2024 at 5 p.m. (have successfully defended and email the Graduate Coordinator your project report)
  • MS Thesis: 05/08/2024 at 12 p.m. (have successfully defended and submitted your thesis here

The current submission deadlines for Summer 2024

  • Project / Thesis Committee Form: July 8 at 5 p.m.
  • MS Project Requirements: 08/15/24 at 5 p.m. (have successfully defended and email the Graduate Coordinator your project report)
  • MS Thesis: 08/15/24 at 12 p.m. (have successfully defended and submitted your thesis here

Other Academic Deadlines